Sunday, December 26, 2004

London Calling

After several attempts of starting this post about how Christmas didn't feel like Christmas I decided that nobody really wants to hear about that anymore since the day has come and gone. Now that all the festivities are over, besides New Years, I find myself longing for the return of January so I can return to London.

Is it bad that I already want to leave my house so soon? I mean I like my family, that's not the problem (most of the time) but I just find St.Catharines very bland and boring now that I have experienced living somewhere else and the freedom I have when I live alone.

Now I feel like I should write something compelling, artful or intelligently interesting but at the moment my mind is absolutely empty, except for this one thing which I can't seem to shake out of my head and is partially the reason why I want to return to London so soon, but don't worry it's a good thing.

So I hope everyone had a wonderful Christmas and I'm sure most of you will be partying hard on New Years which again to me is just another uneventful day to me. And I can't believe Regis Philbin will be dropping the ball in New York at Times Square suffice to say if I was one to watch all the New Years shows I will definitely not be watching Penis Philbin as I cannot stand his non-chalant arrogance.

Anyways, I must get back to listening to two amazing CD's I purchased today and I highly recommend checking out:

Goodnight Nobody - Julie Doiron
Misery Is A Butterfly - Blonde Redhead