Wednesday, September 14, 2005

The Exorcism of The Kills

Well I'm sure if you are reading this you are reading the posts of all the other people who attended the Bloc Party and Kills show on monday and this one will be no different. On a sidenote does anybody know if the Noisettes did actually play or not?

I have to say I was thrilled with the performance by The Kills and if you've seen the Exorcism of Emily Rose you might join in my idea that the lead singer of the Kills, named either Hotel or VV (just not sure who is who in the band), looked like she was possessed with her extremely jerky movements on stage and the hair covering her face for the first four songs or so. I absolutely loved her stage presence, and on another sidenote The Exorcism of Emily Rose was a bit of a let down movie. The only thing I was disappointed about with the Kills set was the lack of tunage from their first album 'Keep On Your Mean Side' besides Kissy Kissy and Fried My Little Brains the remainder of the songs were off of the 'No Wow' album. A little more album diversity would've been nice but I guess you can only do so much with an 8-10 song set.

After hanging in the middle of the crowd for the Kills, I slowly began to maneuvre myself closer for Bloc Party but got stopped behind some uber-geek with a terrible attempt at a fro, white guys can't grow fro's. Thankfully however, some gents in the back decided they wanted to get to the front as well and started pushing their way up to the front and bumped into the nerdy white guy and then he started complaining so they jumped behind me and pushed me right through the nerd and proceeded to use me as a battering ram to get through the crowd. I had no problem with this because it allowed me to accomplish my goal of getting closer to the stage. After a bit of physicality in the front of the crowd I was able to squeeze myself up to the second row, which worked out quite well because there was two girls in front of me that were short and they made a much more comfortable wall than if I were to have made it front row and been crushed against the metal barrier. I found Bloc Party to be quite good live but despite large amounts of time spent listening to music my ear is not trained very well for hearing the inadequacies others critique during a concert, also the positioning of myself in the middle of all the action doesn't create a great environment for properly judging good sound.

With all the fun and excitement I was taken by surprise by the second encore, as it was not listed on the setlist, which I could visibly see on the stage, so if infact it was an unplanned second encore that made it all the more worthwhile. The one disappointment I had with their set was my missed opportunities at snagging some memorabilia, as I had gotten my hand partially on a drumstick on two occasions and a setlist but in all instances was unable to get it fully into my possession due to factors such as pulling an abdomenal muscle, being a gentleman and letting the gal in front of me take the setlist (stupid move seeing as I would never have to see this girl again). Anyways, after-it-all was said and done I was soaked from head-to-toe in sweat and it was most definitely worth it. Although up until that point I had not seen any of the londoner's that I knew that were also attending the show. However, upon walking outside topless I noticed Eano and said hello who was also with the lovely Paige, and they have much more interesting blog posts for the after party extravaganza's.

And that's my little blurb on that, and now I'm going to stop because for some reason my head feels like it is weightless yet weighs a thousand pounds. It's fucking messed at the moment and I don't know why but I'll take this state of sober inebriation elsewhere for now.

Tuesday, September 06, 2005

One Day From Forever

Well it's been a good six months since I last posted anything on my blog and probably seven months since I've posted anything worthwhile but I guess since it's now september and everyone is heading back to school I feel like writing again. Or maybe it's just the insane boredom right now that is causing me to write as I have no idea what I'm going to write about.

I have decided that if I ever become musically talented enough to make an album, which is highly unlikely, I would title it "One Day From Forever". My reasoning for this is not to clear at the moment. It may possibly be because as we live each day we could quite well be on the verge of discovering how to live forever but I don't want to live forever. So every day we live could be that one day from forever but inevitably we all die and that leaves us to wonder that if we were to die now could we have possibly lived forever if we had survived one more day. Maybe I'll just give up my hopes of making an album and turn my album title into a poem.

However, writing a poem doesn't seem to really matter at the moment because during a conversation at the bar on saturday night I was jokingly told that my life is going nowhere and at the moment I'd have to agree. Let's look at the situation right now: I am not in school, no desire to be in school, living at home, I don't have a fulltime job. Now this would have a whole lot more effect if I was forty and I do realize that only being twenty I still have plenty of time to figure things out. In a way I like the fact that my life is going nowhere but that's probably because I'm afraid of my life actually going somewhere. All I do know is that at this moment in time people are dying but I continue to live makes you wonder if they were one day from forever.

I give you credit if you are still reading this because I certainly know that this isn't as philosophically, politically, sexually or humourously exciting as some of the other more notable blogs on the scene, which I do however suggest visiting Brian's views on the blogopocalypse at Rants, Rock and Reason, it is very insightful. So that took me about ten minutes to remember how to use basic HTML so I have forgotten what I was talking about so it's time to move on to some upcoming events.

I will be seeing Bloc Party, The Kills and The Noisettes on the 12th of September in Toronto and then a week later it's time for some 90's grunge with Pearl Jam on the 19th. It's unbelievable how much I can't wait to see them again, unfortunately I think I start work that day so I hope I'm on days cause if I had to sell my ticket I'd probably have to consider hanging myself or finding a less painful way to die. As for the upcoming weekend I may head up to Manitoulin Island with my buddy John to his cottage for some fishing, drinking and bacon. You may ask why bacon is included but it is a definite must to purchase a slab of uncut bacon, then cut it into thick but not to thick squares and cook it over an open fire. It's honestly one of the greatest tasting things this world has to offer; juicy inside and crispy outside. I shouldn't have talked about it because now I'm craving for some.

I definitely need to make a road trip to London soon too if my funds will allow it because I really want to see the city again and the long list of people who oddly enough want me to come visit. It could be tough to fit everyone in on just weekend unless they all showed up at the same place but highly unlikely. Anyways, it's time to go cure my boredom with sleeping instead of writing. Let's see if this updating of my blog continues or if it was just a sporadic addition.